Tuesday, March 31, 2020

WIP Cemetery Summit Buildings--Wild West Project 3

A couple of WIP of some wild west buildings I'm working on for my wild west town of Cemetery Summit.
Here is an interior shot with lil' Rooster Cogburn for scale. My sister picked out the wallpaper, and I picked out a Victorian era painting for the interior and a Victorian era advertisement for soap on the outside.
Here is a shot with it put together with the boardwalk, the brick façade, and the little shed towards the side. Over spring break, I decided I wanted the building to be a billiards, as I went on a great family vacation where we shot a lot of pool together.

Penny for your thoughts, pilgrim?


Saturday, March 28, 2020

The Earps--Wild West Project part 2

"I'm coming and hell's coming with me!"
-Wyatt Earp, 'Tombstone'

Knuckleduster's Gunfighter's ball range produces a lovely batch of Tombstone-style Earps. You've seen Wyatt before--though rebased now--but here they all are together, plus a custom display base!

This is the first time in a long time that I have tried something like this, and I'm reasonably pleased with the result. It's not perfect, but the people I've shown it to so far seem to like it, and I'm pleased with it for a first try.

Wyatt and Doc--I feel--look particularly good, whereas Virgil takes the 'L' for this batch--I may fix him up or repaint him to get him up to the standard of the other gunfighters.

Overall, not a bad first attempt at something like this. Penny for your thoughts, pilgrim?


Thursday, March 26, 2020

Black Scorpion Cowboy--Wild West Project part 1

Greetings all,
Ramping up work on terrain and figures for my wild west project, to be utilized in conjunction with Knuckleduster's 'Gunfighter's Ball' game system, and the first product of my efforts is this little fellow, whom my wife has affectionately named 'Jasper Jones.'

The figure is a Black Scorpion miniature from their 'Tombstone' range, from one of their 'Lawmen' packs, although I do not necessarily view this character as a lawman. I selected a monochromatic color scheme, which I am reasonably pleased with, from a tabletop view at least.

Recently, I upgraded to the latest iPhone, and the camera is every bit as stunning as advertised, but unfortunately shows every unflattering imperfection in my paintjob. I'm still reasonably pleased with this figure, but  it does give me the desire to do better next time.

Jones will be the first of many residents to my western town of 'Cemetery Summit' as I work on this project. Penny for your thoughts, Pilgrim?