-Batman, Justice Leauge Trailer
A first foray into Knight Models’ DC Miniatures game, I present to you the Dark Knight as represented by Affleck in the most recent DCEU films.
If you’ve seen my superheroes on this site in the past, you know I favor bright and bold color schemes. Knowing the look of Batflecks costume on screen, however, I knew that wouldn’t be an option for this project. The result was a lot of heavy washes and toning the metallic gold I usually use on belt buckles down to a muddy brown with flat grey, an effect I’m quite fond of.
The base is meant to represent the wonders of the Batcave, made primarily out of pink insulation foam and then gone over with salt for the ballast and green stuff for the stalagmites. Again, a wash-heavy piece that I’m quite fond of.