Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Ham Solo and Chewbacca—25mm

”I’m Han Solo, I’m captain of the Millenium Falcon.”
-Han Solo

Before Disney, before the prequels, before anything else, there was the Original Trilogy, and with that  came these beautiful Miniatures from West End Games and Grenadier Miniatures. These were designed to be played with the Star Wars RPG and Miniatures Battles Game, the latter of which I’d love to learn to play. These are from a world I never knew: a world where there were three Star Wars movies and that was all the world needed.

Chewy is my favorite Star Wars character, and he tends to go nowhere without his copilot, so it seemed only natural to me to do the two together. They were reasonable challenging, and I’m still not sold on Han’s skin tone. All that said, I’ve never painted a 25mm mini ever before, so I’m reasonably pleased with how they turned out.


Friday, November 1, 2019

Wyatt Earp—Gunfighter’s Ball 32mm

I don’t currently play Gunfighter’s Ball, but these Miniatures make me want to. Knuckleduster Miniatures have cooked up a variety of beautiful western Miniatures from history to fiction, and straddling that fine line is Mr. Wyatt Earp.

Earp is a lawman of legend, maybe more than anyone realizes, and it’s hard to say what’s true about the literal man and what’s true about his legend. With my figure, I felt free to go either way and ended up straddling the line with a ‘Tombstone’ type look, without using any kind of reference art from the film.

A rather put together man of Arizonan law, if I do say so myself. Now to decide if I want to try to sell these models or crack out the free sample of gball on Knuckleduster’s website... but I’ve got three more lawmen to paint up before I make that decision!